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Teden slovenske drame


a discussion with the authors of Butnskala Emil Filipčič and Marko Derganc and the director Vito Taufer

The Week of Slovenian Drama is organising a possibility to peek into the performance Butnskala by Emil Filipčič and Marko Derganc, which opens this year’s festival, from a different perspective at the Butnevent, which will take place at the Kranj City Library. As an artistic phenomenon, Butnskala has of course outgrown a single medium, transformed from the decades-long auditory as a radio play into the visual as a graphic novel, it’s now coming to the theatre. This process itself, too, will be the topic of the debate evening, the Butnevent. 
The Butnevent will be a meeting of the authors of the radio drama, the graphic novel and the performance: critic Matej Bogataj will talk to Emil Filipčič, Marko Derganc and director Vito Taufer.
